(651) 905-5900 | 4015 Northview Terrace, Eagan MN | office@cojlbc.org

On Friday evening, January 17, 2014, 43 volunteers packed meals at Feed My Starving Children in Eagan.  We helped pack 49 boxes containing 10,584 meals in about 45 minutes.  What does that mean in practical terms?  Simply that 29 kids from Haiti experiencing real hunger were fed for an entire year.  How much did that cost?  It took $2,328.48 or $.22/meal.  In order for FMSC to accomplish its mission, it takes volunteers and donors.  Check out FMSC to see how you can help.

Volunteering at FMSC puts a smile on your face :)

Volunteering at FMSC puts a smile on your face 🙂

