(651) 905-5900 | 4015 Northview Terrace, Eagan MN | office@cojlbc.org

Just as a SONGWRITER creates every SONG with its own unique BEAT, SOUND and LYRIC, God has made each of us uniquely with our own personality, style, and talents. Like the intricacies of a SONG, we are magnificent works or art, made for the purpose of bringing the message of God’s love to the world. However, every day VOICES all around us are speaking falsely, causing confusion. These VOICES can be so LOUD that it can be difficult to TUNE IN to the LYRICS of God’s SONG. At the right time, God sent a NEW RELEASE into the world. His one and only Son was given to save us from the VOICE of condemnation and put a new SONG in our hearts! This summer we will SING, speak, and live the Gospel message. Knowing this NEW SONG, our lives become a REMIX as we are being renewed day by day.

Day Camp at Community of Joy includes singing, games and crafts with fun programming led by counselors from Inspiration Point Christian Camp.

June 10-13 (Monday-Thursday) 9:00-3:00

Entering 1st Grade to Entering 6th Grade

Register Online

Children must bring a bag lunch each day. Snacks will be provided.

Payment Options
Make Online Payment
Mail a check to
Community of Joy Church
Attention: Rosanne Eastling
4015 Northview Terrace
Eagan, MN 55123
